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Writer's pictureJuliet Weller riding a bicycle

Actually, I've turned that phrase for my own purpose. Correctly, it's " easy as falling off a bicycle", but that is not my plan for you. The phrase, "it's like riding a bicycle - once you learn how, you never forget. That's my plan for you.

I know you're thinking of calling me to design your vacation; however, you can't decide where to go, and you're not sure of the track you want the trip to take - daily guided tours are nice and you can have the mix of small group excursions with the exclusivity of private ones with your own driver. Maybe a group guided tour in a luxe motor coach touring quaint burgs, lush vineyards and historic castles of Belgium? Or a vacation built just for you, fit to your specifications, hobbies, and travel dreams?

Or something completely different from anything any of your family or friends have ever done: breathing fresh air all day, exploring the path less traveled that takes you to places you would never have found on your own, delighting in sumptuous dinners and collapsing into fluffy hotel bedding at night. Are you fascinated with local character and culture? Then a bike tour is an opportunity to refresh your perception of the world, connect with people as if you’re family or long-lost friends, and truly find your place at the table.

You hadn't considered such a trip, I bet. If you follow my business on social media you'll have noticed that I arrange these trips quite frequently, and in doing so, even I have learned of all the wonderful experiences that await. Whether you consider yourself a bicyclist or not, you can be; remember, having ridden, you still remember how! And with e-bikes available on every trip, ta-dah! the difficult part of riding (the actual riding) is done for you.

On a biking vacation, there’s no detail too small, no surprise too extraordinary, and no nuance too subtle when the stage when set for your memory-making. The guides are charismatic hosts and cycling experts who anticipate your needs before you realize you have them. The food and wine of every region is revealed through its cuisine, so tours have a culinary-forward focus: think uncrowded local restaurants, intimate cooking classes, Michelin-starred meals, and wine tastings with vintners.

Not convinced yet? You must be waiting to hear about the hand-selected luxurious hotels and boutique properties that set the tone for your travels; or the top-quality bikes and industry-leading gear that help create an experience in the saddle that exceeds your expectations—no matter how much or how little you ride at home. I had to highlight that part.

If you're seeking a vacation with something new around every bend (and there are many bends, literally!), where logistics are far from your mind, where all-inclusive convenience means you don’t have to open your wallet, and where enjoyment comes first, you're a bike tripper waiting to emerge. Discover firsthand the exceptional and uniquely immersive experience a biking adventure can be. And you'll never forget it. It begins here:

'til next week.


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