Can you believe summer is just about spent? Just so you know, my upcoming newsletters will touch on a variety of subjects to remind you that it's not too late for a summer trip, nor too early to plan winter vacations. Yes, more than one; why limit yourself? Some of us have long winters, some of us not so much. Either way there is plenty of time to get up and go. If you get up, I'll help you go.
Today's topic: "girlfriend getaways". There are two ways to do them, so follow this suggestion: guys, please take only ONE girlfriend. If you take more, that's not a vacation, that's DRAMA. Girls, you can take as few or as many girlfriends as you wish. Gather whomever you'd like, and get the heck outta town. In both cases, make sure the goal for your trip is mutually agreed upon, or at least publicly declared, so that all participants share in the enjoyment. You really wouldn't want to be planning a low-key relaxation break when Susie is expecting it to be party time.
Here are some suggestions for whichever of the two types you choose. FYI, none of my suggestions are intended to be gender-exclusive; apply it as you desire, and do so regularly 😉.
1. Wine-tasting. I'm sure you know that most gals won't turn down a glass of wine, so getaways that focus on wine-tasting are always popular and well-received choices. Although California is still THE wine tasting destination, it's not the only state with a thriving viniculture. Plus, imagine having girlfriend getaways to a different state every few months. Again, why limit yourself? You could even turn your getaway into a longer excursion by going overseas...Greece, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Spain, or even China.
2. Somewhere romantic. Hopefully you and your lady have the same definition of romantic, and it doesn't have to mean the same thing to any other couple. What's important is that you share it, or at least tolerate each other's idea of it, making sure each of you gets a turn at having it your way. Romantic getaways run the gamut from quiet B&Bs to exotic overseas destinations. Bring your ideas, or lack thereof to your travel advisor and let them flesh out the details. Did I really just say that?
3 Relax/Spa. Most lady-folks long for the pampering of an occasional spa break. A several-day stay at a spa - priceless. It would make you the envy of your friends, and bringing them along on one makes you the heroine. If you choose a non-spa but still relaxing getaway, selecting the destination might be just as tricky as for a romantic one, since the definition of 'relax' is also subjective. A destination where you can lie about, be quiet, read, not be pressured, enjoy scenery, gaze into the distance (or each other's eyes,) go for a walk, ride or drive should fit the bill. However, if relaxing means a few rounds of golf, a concert or show, apple-picking, or sailing, then know there are many options available. Again, make sure the gal-pals are aware of your idea of "relaxing", and that your travel planner understands what yu're looking for.
4. Sight-see/culture/food. A girlfriend getaway that revolves around either of these three things is bound to be a ton of fun, and can be rolled into a getaway of the "active relaxation" category, as discussed above. Thousands of destinations fit this bill - if there's food, there's likely to be (more) wine and a rich heritage of culture, arts, history, architecture, etc. Trips like this can be done as self-guided, or as escorted journeys.
5. Adventure. If your girlfriend getaway is focused on adventure and excitement, pick your level of skill, participation, and area of interest and go for it. I doubt you can run out of things to do, or the places to do it. Your travel pro has access to specialists worldwide who can set up the fun the way you want it.
So who's ready for a girlfriend getaway? If it has been a while, then make the suggestion and watch faces light up at the thought of spending time away together, making great memories and enjoying each other's company. Your travel advisor can handle all the details, and you'll be making girlfriend getaways a regular and frequent occurrence.
'til next week.
